It is recommended that all submitted contributions be written in English. Each submission will be reviewed by reviewers. Specialist reviewers are selected by a guest editor. The paper will be accepted provided that the reviewers recommend it for publication.
Submission of a paper implies that it has not been published previously, that it is not under consideration for being published elsewhere or in the press, and that if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in another language without the prior written consent of the publisher. Plagiarism or self-plagiarism is not allowed. If any form of plagiarism occurs, the paper will be rejected. If plagiarism is found, the Guest Editor will contact the author's institute and funding agencies.
Instructions for authors:
⚬ We recommend writing contributions in English.
⚬ To create a paper use exclusively the templates available below.
⚬ The minimum length of the paper is 3 pages (A4), and the maximum length of the paper is 6 pages (A4).
⚬ The deadline for the final paper submission is July 31th, 2024.
⚬ The papers will be reviewed, and if the instructions for authors are not complied with, they will be returned to be rewritten, or they will not be accepted for publication.
Submitting the papers:
⚬ Papers have to be sent to tiabp@tuke.sk
⚬ Full paper template
⚬ Accepted contributions will be presented in the form of oral presentations and posters.
⚬ Conference official languages are Slovak, Czech, Polish and English.
Conference Publications
Altogether two conference publications will be released:
1. Proceedings of full papers.
2. Selected papers will be published in the following journals:
The proceedings of the conference will be available after the end of the conference.